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Since the population of Monaco is made up of a variety of different cultures, a handshake is an acceptable greeting. When the two people/parties know each other well, a kiss on the cheek is also common. Polite phrases are “Bonjour” which means good day, and “Comment allez-vous?” (How are you?). 


Even though French is the official language in Monaco, Monégasque, Italian, and English are also commonly spoken.

A common gesture, that is often mistaken by tourists as more harsh than it is, is a shake of the right index finger. This represents disagreement or displeasure, and often accompanied by puckered lips and a clucking sound. Additonally, privacy and discretion is highly emphasized in Monaco. Something to note is when a motorcycle passes a car, the driver will typically stick out their right foot to thank the driver for letting them pass.


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